Content Qualifiers for Remuneration for SEEDS Library Contributions
The Identity & Expression Subcircle of Movement Building (now Communications & Design Circle) seeks to create a quest/bounty campaign to remunerate content contributors, storytellers and editors for published content on the SEEDS Library. Our mission is to relay inspirational stories to educate and inform readers/viewers/listeners of SEEDS ethos, efforts, explanations and further exploration of Seeds as a primary currency across the world.
Key Results
- Double the number of SEEDS Voices expressed on SEEDS Library
- Engage Campaign Managers in the co-creation of stories about efforts in bio-regions, on the ground, with the people who are involved and impacted.
- Double the number of stories per week.
- Create a more robust following, measured through an additional comment section and analytics.
Article: 800-1500 words, 4-6 min to read
Video: minimum 2mins, maximum 3mins
500 Seeds: Opinion
1,000: Technology, Governance, Economics, Community, Lifestyle, How To
6,000: Alliance & Campaigns
Content Qualifiers
- Ensure that you address the main questions of Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
- Who: who has developed the technology that is subject of the article and who does it benefit? How does it benefit SEEDS community or regenerative movement?
- What: what does the tech do? How is it different, unique, new, improved? Is this an event?