From Hypha (Alex) : ”Imagine if we could offer, as an option to all DAOs, as part of their onboarding, to activate their own marketplace where they can propose their products and services priced in their own DAO utility token 👏 Wouldn’t this be amazing? Well… the main building blocks are already there for this tighter integration to happen and this will greatly benefit all DAOs and ecosystems as they are building their respective token-based business models 🌍 Now imagine all LocalScale organisations to be able to self-organise as DAOs as an extension of their bioregional activities and for some of them, to create a local rainbow-based currency for their bioregion and collaboratively manage that community currency through an Hypha DAO. The sky's the limit! 🌈 🌞 This is what Hypha DAO and Localscale DAO can co-create together through this MoU.”
Here is the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding), passed in both DAOs
From Regen Civics (Rieki)
“A brief overview exploring the LocalScale platform, one of the ReGen Civics and SEEDS alliances, that communities can start using to coordinate our bioregional economies! Set up bioregional farmers markets, room rentals, local currencies, marketplaces and more with LocalScale that integrates directly with the other alliances of Regen Civics and SEEDS. For example: Use Hypha (a DAO platform) to issue tokens to people holding roles (like a farmer, healer, artist, parent, etc) in your bioregion - then use the SEEDS Light wallet to spend those tokens using LocalScale with bioregional merchants all without paying any fees as we co-create bioregional and circular economies keeping value and interactions local! Enjoy!”