Newsletter Dec Content: Draft ready to be sent out for the team’s scrutiny and proofreading (@Alexandra Escobar @Kimberly Marsh @Nadim Hamdan)
Suggested Structure:
- HOT STUFF: SEEDS Year’s Retrospective
- Put a call to the wide community on Discord (General channel) inviting people to contribute with what happened within SEEDS ecosystem in 2022 (Nadim/Kimberly) DONE
- (OK) Collaboratory SEEDS DAO activation putting together the anchor DHO for the Seeds Community that will include a more mature governance system
- (OK) Seeds Commons holding the space for the community and connecting the DHOs within the SEEDS Ecosystem
- (OK) The SEEDS Regenerative Shopping Assistant product concept was offered
- (OK) The SEEDS co-creation space on Notion was offered to improve collaboration
- (OK) A playful onboarding world created on Topia for learning and getting to know each other was offered
- (OK) The Hypha DAO joined the Respond and Helios accelerator programs with great success
- (OK) The development of creating local currencies with the SEEDS Rainbow Smart-Contract
- (OK) Hypha DAO received the 800K ENF Grant from the EOS Blockchain community
- (OK) Seeds Ambassadors Academy (Mar) launched Wayshowers for Earth to onboard newcomers to SEEDs community
- (OK)ReGen Civics Alliance established with 13 aligned land base projects
- (OK) Activation of supporting DHO’s within the SEEDS ecosystem: DHO Tell, Permatours, Star’DHO, Wayshowers for Earth, Regen-Living
- A Template for land-based projects and gamifying global regeneration
OR: What is Regeneration: