@Alexandra Escobar @Kim @Nadim Hamdan
Here is the SEEDS Insider preview: https://newsletters.hypha.earth/email/preview/193
@Kim can you give us an update on the Economic Circle article and when can I expect to receive it?
@Alexandra Escobar waiting for your Strategic Council piece and the interview with Felipe ;-)
Planned Structure:
Healing & Gratitude Circle - Reiki will provide the framing for this invitation that will happen in June (Solstice) DONE
WIDER COMMUNITY: Regen Civic Project
@Telma Gomes thank you ππ
I feel like we need an other call to action for the global localscale market place. Everyone should start offering their services there, so we can start using our beautiful SEEDS Economy π
@Nadim Hamdan Hi Nadim, we featured already Localscale in March and April issues (twomonths in a roll) ;-).
@Telma Gomes i know. Do you have an other Idea what we can do, so people start using Seeds? π
BTW @Telma Gomes don't know if you have seen this, but here a new very nice article from localscale worth sharing. It's a good read π
Hi - I referenced the blog post in the article for technology and touch briefly on the MarketPlace
Ubuntu-prev-abundancia (Telma) DONE
For next month - Clement Dream Village https://dreamvillageghana.org/
TECHNOLOGY: (Gratitude Pot - placeholder for Jun)
Hi - sorry to leave this so late and I need two links to finish. I refer back to the February newsletter and a quote so hoped we can link that article and waiting on a link from Felipe. The only other thing missing is I think Walter ?? also has a project using rainbow tokens but havent been able to connect.
You may also find some interesting material on the regen civics server. Here's an economics video (its prequel "episode 8" is helpful too.) https://youtu.be/9ZyJeZdWH5A
SEEDS Community:
Strategic Council (Alexandra)
Felipe from Gaia (Alexandra)
interview for the podcast (picture HD/Gaia picture)
Organization: Gaia
SEEDS of Inspiration
Book suggestion: The Myth of Normal - https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi44Zzkm-v-AhXT4ncKHZIFDA0YABAOGgJlZg&ase=2&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESa-D2vfZUsEsL1_l7VouGdx-EfmzcA-gr-bgsmyWDdF3RvhcxciIS_2Jc0MhfQZhmoDETv0mZgQY-plX2xdDl4U7vz4tzu9YsJUTYxTxoE4s3wcDrGNgB4E-N3Lad1y8HrUuexnWZCAiOh-B6&sig=AOD64_1QPg_m9tSOIR47vdB5yZejyynBGA&q&nis=4&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwijv5Tkm-v-AhUJuKQKHfJ-ChQQ0Qx6BAgHEAE
Deadline for materials submission: May 29th