Newsletter Sept Content
Suggested Structure:
HOT STUFF : Outcomes of the Equinox Round Table
SEEDS Commons is officially becoming a Anchor DAO for SEEDS community through Hypha DAO activation toolkit. (it’s premature for Sept - we will skip it for now)
COMMUNITY: Regen Civics project Traditional Dream Factory (driver Discord name)
TECHNOLOGY: Hypha DAO’s “Organization-in-a-Box Solution” Coming to EOS Community Through an ENF Grant:
DHO’s: SEEDS Governance working group report. Check with Stephen
SEEDS PEOPLE: Guy Bigorna and Portugal SEEDS community / Gratitude pot
SEEDS of Inspiration - Book suggested: The Dawn of Everything . A new History of Humanity - David Graeber & David Wengrow
Action Item: bring the proposed topics for Sept edition to the Seeds Commons tomorrow’s meeting
Suggestions for next editions:
**Better Worlds (Interview with Sydney)**
**Better Worlds (Interview with Reiki Cordon)**