Situation, data & facts:
User Story: As a SEEDizen I would like to have a Biomimicry, Regeneration and Sociocracy/Holacracy coach in the commons so that we can act like a living system regeneratively 💚
Personal feelings**:**
- Worried about that we preach regeneration but are not regenerative in our daily behavior
- Feeling inefficient every time i need to redevelop something like a framework or a template, where the wisdom and tools are already there.
Needs !Solution oriented!:
I scanned a few minutes (risking to miss a lot) and I can see what you are faced with and how challenging that is. A few small observations:
- Apostol is in a really hard spot because he is facilitator and coach. He does not clearly demark when he speaks as a coach and when as a facilitator which will lead to frustration as it will be perceived as power abuse. "Why can he talk about his opinion when I can't?" Don't get me wrong, I think he's doing a great job, and this is simply one of the hardest balances to get right.
- Stephen clearly had a governance proposal ready which should have just been processed. As a facilitator coach you can use the process to coach and share your opinion which would then make for a calmer and better received perspective.
- As for the content. Personally I mostly agree with that the proposal is a bad idea. And it simply is an objection to process.
- The reasoning of the heroic act does not apply here as it is usually reserved for operational actions, not governance changes. Noone can ever single handedly change governance.
- You would also benefit from an elected Secretary accountable to interpret the agreements so that you can ask this role to make a call on the rules if there is disagreement.
I am happy to take on a guest facilitation but it is important that this is consented by the group prior so that I don't just show up. Feel free to shoot me the weekly invite than I can let you know which session as a first trial might suit me.
Have a wonderful weekend,