
Regen Garden aids artists and impact causes with their collaborative creation of NFTs that drive change and build community.

We offer creators (impact causes and artists) the support needed to launch NFTs with fundraising potential, utility, and the ability to reward active community members.

We provide the technology needed for collectors to verify their NFTs in order to access the utility being offered by the NFT creators, including tools to communicate and the ability to earn NFT upgrades (or badges) and airdrops that unlock further value.

We also aim to co-create a container for collaboration, learning, and community building that is fair, transparent, decentralized, equitable, and fun!


Our mission is to mainstream the adoption of NFTs used for good.


We prioritize the common good of the creators we collaborate with and their collectors.

We value using technology to make the world a better place.

We strive to work with those who are creating in the spirit of love, togetherness, and inclusion.

We value using our gifts to increase justice and equity and to decrease suffering for living beings.