
The main purpose of the Explorers space is to be able to deeply understand, review and craft a well-made argument-tested Game Guide that makes sense and is aligned with the vision of the collective regenerative renaissance that we’re all envisioning.

SEEDS Renaissance Explorers

Groups & Activities

Exploration Groups

Discovering & Exploring topics that are of special interest; usually born from discussions on the forum. These explorations are often just about feeling how big a need is, whether there is something more to do in that area.

Research & Design Groups

Figuring out more concrete areas of need and bigger topics, such as Economy, Governance, SEEDS Fork, ... (... is that actually correct? Why do we have Exploration Groups and R&D and what's the difference?)

Proposals & More

(not quite sure how to actually call this category, where to put SEEDS Commons & Redwood etc...? Is that still part of RE at this stage?)

🌐 SEEDS Commons

An organism that connects SEEDS Global DHOs with the purpose of stewarding the health of our Ecosystem. (Should this be moved one level up?)