Purpose: establish heart resonance by sharing deeper layers of our experiences
Outcome: team members feel heard and grew deeper understanding for each other
Why: to maintain a deep level of harmony and alignment
Frequency (full-time team): once every 6 weeks
Duration: 1 hour
Preparations: team members may prepare topics to cover (optional)
Opening (3 - 5 min)
Goal: Help everyone arrive and align expectations for the meeting
Facilitator opens the meeting:
Explain meeting structure and mention agenda items
A moment of grounding
Help us tune into the greater mission and vision of why we are creating
1.Agree Key Meeting Roles (1 min)
Who will be the facilitator?
Who will be the secretary / note taker?
2. Personal Check-In (5 min)
Goal: Notice what's got your attention, call it out, and let it go. Get present, here and now.