SEEDS Library Content Creation Handbook
Also See: Library Story Qualifiers for Remuneration in Seeds
SEEDS Guardians are caretakers of the stories and content that is distributed publicly to allow readers to connect with the SEEDS Regenerative Renaissance, and to better understand the game of SEEDS and Seedenomics, the regenerative economy of Seeds.
Through storytelling, readers are informed and inspired by the people, the networks, the SEEDS alliances, organizations and projects to more effectively generate and distribute value towards the whole system. SEEDS stories are by the people of SEEDS and told for the people of the Planet. Articles and digital media are curated by Content Guardians to ensure clarity and consistency of the SEEDS purpose and mission. The SEEDS Library, using the WordPress platform, is open to all and therefore is curated by a group of Guardians working within the SEEDS collective.
To submit articles and other media (photos, audio, graphics, illustrations, video) for public viewing, contributors may create an online personal profile for use in creating and managing their submissions. Content Guardians review and consider all for publication based on a set of content guidelines. A checklist to help storytellers meet these guidelines is included in this Content Creation Guide.
This is a dynamic storyteller process guide. Content Guardians may revise these guidelines to optimize editorial workflows.
The SEEDS purpose is “To help drive the development and adoption of new economic, ecological and social ecosystems that foster the conditions for humanity, nature and the planet to flourish.”
SEEDS contributors who submit articles about approved SEEDS Alliances receive remuneration in Seeds when their article is accepted and published.