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Main points of our Land-based crypto currency … a work in progress:

The overarching design paradigm is based in Resource Based Economics, and Asset Based Community Development

Because the first phase of the future community, as a Retreat Center, is a business, the beginning “bank” will be seeded by allocating shares in the land or the business using fairly traditional methods such as REIT’s, Fractionalization like commonly used for hospitality properties, ESOP’s for transitioning to stakeholder ownership, or tokenization.

A new round of Currency infusion will be launched with each land donation into the project, and established as an official HLC complementary currency.

Folks helping develop the game are rewarded with this complimentary currency…getting “Paid to Play” … which will be exchangeable within the community for anything from dinners, to Tiny Houses to land.

Through our TBX, that currency can also be exchanged for US$ for things needed outside what we’re able to produce.