This Policy is an extension to the passed Policy from the 28.07.22 with the Name “[Policy] SEEDS Commons DHO” and the Link: [Policy] SEEDS Commons DHO
To ensure transparency and decentralized operations in SEEDS governance, each policy must meet the following criteria:
- Having a documented underlying Creative Tension* to meet the requirements of the Commons Meta Agreements and to ensure a qualitative evolution of the Policy
- Any vote on a new policy or appropriation must be announced at least one week in advance so that each affected party has the opportunity to ensure its availability for the governance meeting and to prepare accordingly.
- Voting during the governance meeting may only take place within the time frame and must not exceed it in order to avoid pressure on the participants.
- The following Template is obligatory to use
here some text
Note on policy execution (Optional):
here some text (Optional)
Link to the underlying SEEDS Commons Creative Tension:
here link to the creative tension